Sunday, April 24, 2011

Like a Patchwork Quilt

Blessed be our Savior who died for us and was resurrected and lives today; Happy Easter to all.

Life isn't given us all of a piece;
It's more like a patchwork quilt
Each hour and minute a patch to fit in
To the pattern that's being built.

With some patches bright - and some patches dark,
And some that seem ever so dull - 
But if we were given to set some apart,
We'd hardly know which to cull.

For it takes the dark patches to set off the light,
And the dull to show up the gay -
And, somehow, the pattern just wouldn't be right
If we took any part away

No, life isn't given us all of a piece,
But in patches of hours to use,
That each might work out his own pattern of life
To whatever design he might choose.

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