Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Goblin Valley

Is there a Goblin Valley?  Absolutely!  My family just went camping down there last month.

 A spot of red in goblin valley.

 They come in all sizes. They were like little houses.


King of the mountain!

Truly, an amazing place to visit.  Mother nature designed an intriguing stone garden.


Fun60 said...

What a fun place to take the family.

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful place ! Makes me think of the Death Valley or the Glen Canyon ! I love these red rocks !

TheChieftess said...

Interesting area...where is this?

Thanks for visiting MammothLakesDP!!!

TheChieftess said...

BTW...that purple rose in your banner collage is amazing!!! I've never seen a rose in that deep purple shade...

Katrin Klink said...

Great place, great pictures!

Anne said...

Fab place to explore. I would imagine my grandchildren would love it too.

orvokki said...

Very interesting view. Never seen anything like that.
Kids are so cute and they sure have fun :)

Small City Scenes said...

A great place to visit and
d explore. MB

BLOGitse said...

Oh, this looks very interesting. And what a place to play!

Poppy said...

A great place for little goblins to explore!


Ida said...

I never had the chance to visit Goblin Valley when I was that direction but it looks like a fun and cool place. Those kiddos seem to be having a blast there.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Great place for kids. And big kids too!

Paulette said...

Natures playground for both the young and old.

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