Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dingle peninsula

We picked up two young women thumbing a ride on our way through the loop of the Dingle Peninsula; both were students studying in Dublin.  One was from Florence, Italy and the other was Emma from Sweden. They had stayed at the same hostel that we did and were having an Easter holiday. The Dingle peninsula is one of the most rugged Atlantic coastlines in Kerry and not only has the best views of the ocean but also is dotted with rock houses and pre-historic huts and forts. Some of these rock houses were in a beehive shape.  Even the roofs were rock.

Driving Connor pass was another area of Ireland that put calluses on my hands. The road was so narrow that no lorries or busses could maneuver it. It was a single-lane curving and nerve-wracking road.

Connor pass 

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