Simple and beautifully decorative, this wedding cake takes the cake! A little pun intended. My cousin's reception was held in an upscale neighborhood in Draper in the lush green and professionally landscaped backyard.
As we entered the front door which was kept open, carpeted stairs greeted us with deliciously dark wooden banisters. Handmade quilts hung on the railings for viewing while we waited in the congratulatory line which was in the living room.
Going out the back door of this king-sized home, there were stone steps gently cascading downward to the patio. To the right on the grass next to the fence was a giant balloon dragon for the kids to romp and jump in while we sat at round tables visiting with old friends.
I couldn't help but notice the water feature in the middle of the yard which had a constant drip of water making it look like a water fence.
A water jar was filled with slices of lemons and a similar belly-shaped jar was filled with a delicate peach flavored drink.
Skewers of fresh fruit on long wooden dowels with tassels of lavender and white polka dots delighted my grandkids.
The trend is to serve yourself. Fresh fruit and cheese plates were attended and kept full.
This was a large step upward to serving chocolate milk in a carton with donuts.
Scrumptious cakes - take your pick or have all three.
The best cake had a creamy filling and delicate butter frosting (definitely not a lard frosting) with tiny purple and green flowers atop.
Lemon squares
Mini carrot cakes
Unlike the previous wedding that we attended, this couple was in their mid forties and both had never been married before. Isn't it wonderful that a couple can find their mate even after 40.
Wedding photos were in the works - notice the large wooden pergola over the patio.