Thursday, October 13, 2016

Unusual Fences

Linking to: Good Fences

 This is a spanking new fence put next to a newly built bank in our area.

 Snapped a shot of that unusual cloud reflecting on my car. Fall is coming, trees are changing already.

 Such a pretty wrought iron fence put there I image to stop people from climbing on the edge of the wall.

This little fence baffles me - I know there is a street sign there but is there a law that a fence can't be close to it?


Tom said...

The sky can be gorgeous this time of year.

NatureFootstep said...

my favorite fence was the second one. Love the knobs decorating it :)

LV said...

All the sights are very pretty, but really like the reflection on the car.

Barb said...

What great blue skies and clouds over your mountains! We're nearly finished with fall - looks like you can still look forward to color.

Anonymous said...

I do love your fences and also the Autumn sky is so pretty and the mountains in the distance.

TexWisGirl said...

the little fence sections are rather cute, if not very effective. :) beautiful day there!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the reflection of the clouds in your car and what a beautiful sky it was. that is a really nice fence at the bank and I like the tiny wrought iron on the stone fence to. in our city we have fence laws that say they can only be so many feet from the street. this one looks like if someone were backing out of the driveway they could not see around it. also we have easments, 10 feet of our yard that belongs to the city and we can't do anything to it but cut the grass, might be an easement law

Karen Lakis said...

Very nice selection of fences! I love the reflection of the cloud on top of your car - it must have been fun walk back to your car to see that!

krishna said...

The pictures are so bright..

Please visit:

Anvilcloud said...

You've got ab unusual fence or two there.

DeniseinVA said...

Great looking fences Ruth, and wonderful view of the mountains in the distance.

Debbie said...

Some fences serve no purpose but to look pretty!! Very nice contributions today!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) A very nice selection of fences, I love stone walls, and if they have a ledge, people do tend to sit or walk on them, but the gate won't stop someone from getting up there to look over the wall.
The gate is a pretty addition, but not affective, is it!! Have a great weekend!:)

Nancy Chan said...

Very unusual cloud formation in the sky and you caught the cloud's reflection on your car. You have found some pretty fences.

carol l mckenna said...

Magnificent sky shots and lovely fence ones too ~ thanks.

Wishing you a special week ~ ^_^

Unknown said...

May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to your home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at

Marleen said...

The clouds are amazing! Great reflection in the car, well seen!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That last fence is kind of funny -- not much point to a fence like that is there. But it is the kind of thing that can keep you thinking for a while as you walk (It doesn't take too much to amuse me.) It still looks beautiful and warm in your area -- looks more like summer than Fall! Lucky you .

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of fences.

Ida said...

Good selection of fences. It is unusual about the fence on the high wall and the one below it by the sign. I liked them though and your pretty cloud shot.

orvokki said...

Nice fences and lovely reflection.

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