Thursday, September 29, 2016

Cloud Top Mountains

Provo, Utah

Provo Mall

Lehi - My street -barely see my mountains.

South Salt Lake convention Center

 Cloud and tree reflections - South Salt Lake Convention Center

You have to catch those clouds right away because they move so fast that in less than 5 minutes, they have changed their positions. I attended the semi annual gem faire in South Salt Lake but didn't stay too long. One of those sudden Ice Pick Headaches attacked me but I did get what I needed that day. They just drop you to your knees and take the stuffin right out of you. I am trying to get an appointment with the Migraine Clinic at the University of Utah but apparently it takes months to get in.  Oh well, such is life and the migraines have been with me now for 9 years so they are not leaving. The Ice Pick Headache, however, is new this year.

Linking to Good Fences


Anvilcloud said...

An ice pick headache sounds bad. I am going for a CT scan in about an hour for my headaches, which are generally mild but constant for about 3 months.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry to hear about the headaches. that first photo is really cool. I love the fence to keep us safe from the railroad tracks and the mountain in the distance.

Ida said...

The view of the mountains is so pretty. I love the misty clouds. So sorry you have Migraine's so bad, they are not fun.

Gosia said...

Autumn is visible at your place

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh gosh, I hope you can find some relief from the headaches. I have a friend who suffered for years with them, and the docs finally disocvered she had high blood pressure. I don't think she has as many any more, but I know they were really rough. I am sorry you have them.
Beautiful shots of the mountains...I am so jealous. WHile I sit on top of the talled land around here...all else is river bottoms. I think we are probably 500 ft high. LOL!!!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, lovely views of the mountains. I am sorry about your headaches. I hope you find some relief soon. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

Tete said...

Love the photos, and hope your migraines are less. Mine haven't been so bad this year, but I am having more silent migraines it seems. I need it dark and quiet when they happen.

DeniseinVA said...

Great fence photos. I truly sympathize with your headaches. My daughter-in-law gets them, so debilitating and so does my son but not quite as severe. My mother had them too and I remember her having to go in a dark room and lay on the bed for a few hours. Dreadful things they are. Hope you can get some help from the specialists.

Christine said...

You love in a beautiful area with a view of the mountains at the end of your street!
I sympathise with you as far as suffering from migraines but those ice pick headaches sound even worse so
I hope you are treated for them soon!

TexWisGirl said...

what a pretty 'heavenly' view!

Anonymous said...

So very sorry about your severe headaches. I do hope you are able to make an appt. soon. I always enjoy your photos. Love the reflections in the glass.

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) Lovely views of the mountains, and cloud formations. I hope you feel better soon.

Nancy Chan said...

You live in a beautiful place with lovely mountain view. I am sorry about the pick headache sound really bad. I had very bad migraine many years ago. Thank God, I was miraculously and totally healed after a pastor prayed for me.

James said...

I love the mountain views!
Hopefully you can get some relief from your migraines.

merlecolibri said...

wunderfull views of clouds & mountains !

21 Wits said...

I really like all the landscape and backgrounds you've captured! Very pretty.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Oh I do miss the mountains, having moved from our New Mexico home at 7000 feet about 12 years ago. Love those photos. You asked about my camera. In response to your question on my blog, I use a Canon DSLR EOS 60D with a 420 mm telephoto lens system (fixed 300 mm L/4 + 1.4x extender) which produces an aperture of f/5.6. Thanks for your kind comments!

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shots of the mountains.

NatureFootstep said...

wow, that´s gorgeous country at the foot of the mountin :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love all the clouds and the way they are refelcted as well as the trees in the windows of that building. Have a lovely weekend

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