Thursday, August 4, 2016

Fish Haven, Idaho

While staying at Bear Lake, I traveled north into Idaho and found a tiny place called Fish Haven.  I couldn't believe that a house of this size was on this spot of the map.

I thought there were two homes built beyond this fence but as I examine it, it is a house-sized four-car garage with a room for a guest or two.

The only business that I found in Fish Haven was a combo liquor store and Idaho-style deli, which sold lotto tickets. It was like walking through a long narrow trailer except it was made of wood.

North edge of Bear Lake, Idaho looking south toward Utah.

Originally, this Fish Haven was called Rush Creek in 1864 and was founded by the Shirley family (two brothers had married two sisters in South Africa and they came to America after joining the Mormon pioneers. They were always together and at one time lived in the same house. Fish Haven is 2.5 miles north of the Utah border on the shores of Bear Lake.

Linking to good fences.


eileeninmd said...

Hello, great fence finds. I like the last view of the lake.

Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

carol l mckenna said...

wonderful fence shot and other photos! ~ Thanks for visiting ^_^

Happy Days to you ~ ^_^

Phil Slade said...

Well as long as you could buy a beer and a burger there's not much more we need is there.

Hanging moles is an old tradition that showed how efficient a mole catcher was. Some farmers still do it.

Phil Slade said...

Well as long as you could buy a beer and a burger there's not much more we need is there.

Hanging moles is an old tradition that showed how efficient a mole catcher was. Some farmers still do it.

Christine said...

Hello Ruth! what a beautiful house and fence! I enjoyed the views across Bear Lake.
The place is a 'blink and you'll miss it' kinda place!
Have a fun day!

Tom said...

What a lovely spot!

Bruce Clark said...

Very nice shots

Inger said...

I wonder if Fish Haven attracts a lot of fishermen. Lovely shots. I spent some time in Idaho years ago.

Gosia said...

I love the white fence greetings from poland

Gosia said...

I love the white fence greetings from poland

Gail said...

Looks like a slice of heaven there.

Love the rose in your header.

Thanks for visiting.

LV said...

An interesting place. At least, they have nice fences.

TexWisGirl said...

pretty view! and large estate!

Ida said...

I've never been to Fish Haven...doesn't look like there is much there. That's a great looking home/fence though and a pretty view of the lake.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

lovely homes and fence in the first shots and lovely seascape

Nancy Chan said...

Fish Haven looks a nice, quiet little place. A great piece of property with pretty white fence.

Nancy Chan said...

Just to let you know that I am now your newest follower. Thank you.

Debbie said...

looks like a country delight...i remember those one stop shops from yesteryear!!!!

NatureFootstep said...

a fence suitable to the buildings :)

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Splendid place and beautiful images.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Looks like a wonderful place, so pretty. What an odd and interesting story to go along with it. I love the picture of the beautiful lake.

orvokki said...

Nice fence and lovely views.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I would be happy living up over the garage. it is a really big home..

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