This was a quick photo from a car of the Provo LDS Temple. This was the busiest temple in Utah until they opened the Payson Temple which is just south of there about 30 miles.
Tiny dresses that clip over tiny dolls were clipped to their ears but not for very long because they were like those all clipons that hurt too much to keep on your ears.
This building was the old Provo Tabernacle which caught fire two years ago and was completely gutted inside. The bricks remained. They lifted the old brick structure on steel, made a new foundation and completely restored the inside to make a second temple for Provo, Utah. They are still working on the inside. All of the windows are stained glass and the original design of turrets were roof were recreated with an addition of the golden statue of Angel Moroni which is placed on most the the temples for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.