Saturday, May 16, 2015

Downtown Gardens

 Downtown Salt Lake City

 View of the Salt Lake City Temple

Joseph Smith Memorial Building - used to be the the Hotel Utah. It is now part of Temple Square surrounded by gardens and walkways.

Linking to:
Shadow Shot Sunday 2
Weekend Reflections
InSPIREd Sunday

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Old Convertible

We had a visit from the peanut mobile last month.


Can anyone tell me what kind of car this one is? 
Linking with Our World Tuesday

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Lehi Style

This not only shows three types of fences but a lovely entryway on one of the main streets of Lehi. I must have passed it a dozen times and never noticed.

If you want to see some spectacular fences, check out Good Fences.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Grandma's Shoes

 When  I was very little, all the Grandmas that I knew all walked around this world,in ugly grandma shoes. You  know the ones I speak of, those black clunky heeled kind? They  just looked so very awful that  it weighed upon my mind. For I knew when I grew old, I’d  have to wear those shoes! I’d  think of that, from time to time, it seemed like such bad news. Now,  I never was a rebel! I wore saddle shoes to school. Next came ballerinas,then  sandals, they were cool. Then  came spikes with pointed toes, then platforms, very tall. As each new fashion came, I wore them, one and all. But
always in the distance,looming  in my future, there, Was that awful pair of ugly shoes,the  kind that Grandmas wear.  

I eventually got married then  I became a Mom. Our  kids grew up and left, and
their children came along. I  knew I was a Grandma and  the time was drawing near when
those ugly, black, old lace-up shoes was  what I’d have to wear! How  would I do my gardening or take my morning hike? I couldn’t even think about how I  would ride my bike. But  fashions kept evolving, and one day I realized,that the shape of things to come was changing right before my eyes. For  now when I go shopping what  I see fills me with glee! In my jeans and Reeboks I’m  as comfy as can be. And I  look at all these teenage girls and  there upon their feet,are
those clunky, black, old Grandma shoes, And  they think they’re really neat!!!

This was given at a DUP Convention yesterday and it was so funny, I thought I'd share.

 This window is in the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Museum in Salt Lake City.

My granddaughter won a gold fish. A Mason jar works just fine.

Connecting to Our World Tuesday

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