Sunday, July 12, 2015

Holiness to the Lord

 The Payson, Utah LDS Temple.  My friend Carrie and I attended the open house for this temple. Anyone who wants to see inside a temple can go through it during an open house before the temple is dedicated to the Lord.
 Gounds covered with flowers.
The Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint temples all have Holiness to the Lord written on them. This one has hundreds of of stained glass windows outside and inside of the temple. It is unusual to see stained glass windows inside the middle of the building and a baptismal font on the main floor.

 Taken at the Portland, Oregon LDS temple entrance.

The reflection pool.

Can you believe it, we had snow on our mountain tops two days ago from two storms - very rare for July.

Linking to inSPIREd Sunday
and Weekend Reflections


Gosia said...

The house of God looks nice

Viera said...

Beautiful photos as well as reflection...

Michelle said...

a beautiful structure

Tom said...

I only learned about the public open in this area after it was over, lovely white stone work! Tom The Backroads Traveller

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful houses of the Lord.

Ingrid said...

Interesting placed and beautiful pictures !

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Looks quite a church

Bonny Bonafilla said...

What a stunning church. It looks amazing. I love the reflection pool. It looks like a very peaceful place. All the best, Bonny

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i enjoy the blooms. what a cool shape. ( :

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