Sunday, April 19, 2015

Drive thru

Picking up my prescriptions, I noticed what a lovely view I could see of our smaller mountains to the north.

A re-creation in miniature of stone hedge. Now there are two in Utah county.

Linking to Weekend reflections


Malyss said...

What fabulous landscape ! The white snow Under such blue skies are gorgeous !

TexWisGirl said...

lots of reflections bouncing around. the stonehenge is too funny!

Ingrid said...

Nice reflections ! Stonehenge in Utah, how special !

21 Wits said...

Wow, now that is very exciting to see!

Linda Kay said...

The miniature stonehenge is quite something. Great view at the drive thru.

GreenComotion said...

Hi Ruth,
The reflections in the photo and the view of the 'small mountain' are beautiful. I will be reading the post on the 40 degree drop next - reminds me of my first few days in Canada :)
Happy Earth Day!
Have a Beautiful Day!!
Peace :)

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