Saturday, July 2, 2011

How Did I Find Out About All These Wives?

I found out about wife no. 2 with my own research. 

Cousin Al told me all about wife number 3 because it was his grandmother. It just so happens that Al is into genealogy and had been searching for gramps too.  His father Ches visited CP in Karrisdale when Ches was 18 years old.  CP would not have anything to do with him so when Ches enlisted in the service, he dropped Suchanski and went by Ches P. Norton.

I searched Vancouver for any traces of CP but came up nil so I asked a volunteer to search the City Directories from 1927 through 1930. She did not find anything but she did search through some obituaries and found Chester P. Norton's death plus a Paul Chester William Norton who was killed in a freak accident. 

Cousin Al and I both had an epiphany at the same time - we both just knew that CP had dropped his last name and went by CP Norton.

Park Across the Street from Where CP Lived in Victoria

CP had moved to Victoria.
Juan de Fuca Strait

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